Start your journey to a personalised treatment with breast revision surgery.

Consider breast revision for reasons like achieving desired size, correcting asymmetry, addressing implant issues, or refreshing your look. At Norwest Cosmetic Surgery, we're here to guide you on your journey.

Before undergoing breast surgery at Norwest Cosmetic Surgery, you will have two comprehensive consultations with Dr Senthil Supramaniam. During this consultation, Dr Senthil Supramaniam will explain the treatment, its mechanics, benefits, costs, as well as potential risks, complications, and the recovery process.

Establishing accurate and practical expectations with Dr. Senthil Supra.

We place great emphasis on transparency regarding the potential outcomes of breast surgery at Norwest Cosmetic Surgery.

The intricacies of individual anatomies and the influence of diverse factors on surgical results are thoroughly explained during consultations.

Patients are encouraged to express their desires and concerns openly, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of their unique circumstances.

The final results will be influenced by your natural anatomy such as existing breast tissue, body proportions, and overall health.

Breast surgery refer to a group of cosmetic surgical procedure that are aimed at altering the shape, size or appearance of a person's breasts. These cosmetic procedures are performed for various reasons, including increasing breast size, lifting sagging breasts, reducing breast size, and correcting Gynaecomastia.

At Norwest Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a range of cosmetic breast surgeries tailored to meet the specific needs and aesthetic goals of our patients.

Our services include Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty, Mastopexy (Breast Lift), Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty with Mastopexy, Breast Reduction, Areola Reduction and Gynaecomastia treatments.

It is important to keep in mind that all surgical and invasive procedures come with risks and potential complications, for a full list of risks & potentials please visit: Risks, Complications, Recovery section of our site.

Before deciding to undergo any such procedure, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from a qualified healthcare practitioner. This will help ensure that you are well-informed about the potential risks and complications of a cosmetic breast procedure.

Explore Our Breast Surgery Procedures

  • Augmentation Mammaplasty

    Breast augmentation mammaplasty surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the placement of implants to increase the size, shape, and volume of the breasts.

  • Mastopexy

    Mastopexy surgery (also commonly known as a breast lift) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is aimed at reshaping and lifting sagging breasts.

  • Breast Augmentation & Mastopexy

    Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty and Mastopexy are both cosmetic procedures that can be combined to alter the size, shape, and position of their breasts.

  • Breast Reduction Mammaplasty

    Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to reduce the size of the breasts and alter their shape and position.

  • Areola Reduction

    Areola reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at reducing the size of the areolas to achieve a more proportionate breast appearance.

  • Gynaecomastia

    Gynaecomastia is a condition that can affect males, it is where the breast tissue becomes enlarged. Gynaecomastia surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can help to reduce the size of the breasts in men.

Our Medical Team








The Norwest Cosmetic Surgery team is eagerly anticipating your visit, ready to provide exceptional care and attention to your unique needs.

